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Thursday, 27 October 2016

Pink Guy Likes Music and Dancing

Lets see if he likes Justin Bieber's music

Justin Biebers music gave him cancer

Pink Guy Wants To Cook Like Beefneck

 Pink Guy  watches a cooking show on Youtube

Lets do some cooking !

Why so many ingredients ?

Why so hard to do ?

But he forgets to eat

 must  rest

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Other Things That Have The Name Chin Chin

The Dark Lord is displeased that his name is used elsewhere and for other things.

  1. used to express good wishes before drinking."‘Chin-chin,’ he said, and drank"

This chin chin  is a tasty snack^

An  Icecream shop ^

A record shop?^

Chin Chin is used for some restaurant names

Saying cheers in Italian

Chin in Japanese means penis

Pink Guys

Salamander Mask People

 This is all I  could find

Why are there not a whole lot more of these people ?

It  has been a few months and I  have had another look on google images,  but Salamander Masks are still  not catching on.

Thursday, 20 October 2016